Gyms in Cairns
- Find in Cairns:
- Gyms in Cairns
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- Most requested services in Cairns:
- CrossFit® in Cairns
- Pilates in Cairns
- Swimming pool in Cairns
- Yoga in Cairns
Find the best gyms in Cairns in our directory to exercise and take care of your body. We are the largest national gym guide and have 56 gyms in the Cairns area. Find the gym that is closest to your home or best fits your needs in terms of equipment, activities, services, and price.
From modern centers equipped with the latest fitness machinery technology to spaces dedicated to Zumba, Pilates, Spinning, Crossfit, and Yoga. Choose the gym that best suits your needs.
If you prefer to search by proximity, you can use our handy map to quickly locate the gyms closest to you in Cairns.
Start today your journey towards a more active and healthy lifestyle. Our platform makes it easy to compare prices, services, and reviews from other users to ensure you find the best place to train in Cairns.
56 Gyms in Cairns

Studio Pilates International Cairns

Tobruk Memorial Pool

Iron Strength Power & Performance

World Gym Cairns

Club ONE Fitness 24/7 - Health and Fitness Club. Bentley Park, Cairns Gym

Genesis Health and Fitness Cairns City

CrossFit® Kantok

Anytime Fitness Cairns

F45 Training Cairns Redlynch

Genesis Westcourt Sportsworld

F45 Training Cairns CBD

CrossFit® Dungeon

Five Star Fitness Earlville

Think Fitness

Happy Pain

12RND Fitness Mount Sheridan

F45 Training Cairns Inner West

12RND Fitness Clifton Beach

Nukzu muay thai

Total Fitness Management

Oceans Edge Health Club

The Ground

EFM Health Club Gym Cairns South

Cairns Esplanade Fitness Station (Green Gym)

Cairns Personal Trainers

The Strength Squad Cairns

Complete Health Cairns

Karen Skudder FHIITNESS

CYCAS Circus

GETFIT Results Training


FIT College

Athlete High Performace Training Center

Spartan Warrior Absolute Transformation

Brave Strength and Conditioning

Kangaroo Boxing & Fitness Association

Coaching Zone Cairns North

De Rose Health & Fitness
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